Dream of a Better Life
Dream of a Better Life with the printer 3D
For this project we have been asked to represent a journey in a model.
We didn’t choose to represent a trip to other countries, but we tried to live a journey that often a lot
of people are forced to do ,a “JOURNEY IN A NEW LIFE”.
A lot of people are forced to emigrate to better places because of the war, persecutions or lack of
rights and freedom.
This theme is very important for us! It is very current and at school we talked a lot about it.
We added a boat, to make people undertand how these poor people arrived.
Inside we put some symbols that represent the emotions of people.
The dove simbolizes the hope of a better life; the heart represents the love for the homeland and for
their families that sometimes they are forced to leave.
The symbol of peace and the symbol of infinity represent the desire to return to their birth place.
F.Belà ,M.D’Angelo, L D’Ercoli
Classe 3 B– Scuola Secondaria di 1° grado di Offida
INDICE Giornalino “IL GRILLO PARLANTE” – Numero 32